Cankarjev dom
Tomaž Krušec, Lena Krušec, Vid Kurinčič, Jurij Nemec
Author of chair renovation
Majda kregar
Miran Kambič
Cankarjev dom Linhart Hall renovation
Cultural centre “Cankarjev dom” not only represents one of the most important, but also the biggest work of the pioneer of Slovenian modern architecture Edvard Ravnikar. The building is under the protection of The national commitee for the preservation of cultural heritage.
Due to damage from years of usage, the client has in 2010 decided to renovate it. The Cultural heritage commitee has, with regards to references, decided on an architectural office which will take over the difficult job of renovating the concert and congress halls. The most radical, yet at the same time most true to the spirit of Edvard Ravnikars architecture, was the renovation of the “Linhartova hall”, including all of its entrance halls and the stage.
The renovation included changing of the spectator seats slope of the hall (along with the staircases), upgradeing the fire safety, improving acoustics and restoring all the furniture. Especially difficult was the task of renovating the chairs, which needed to keep their distinctive shape, despite of their dimensions being changed to fit the new ergonomic needs of todays users. The hall was also renovated in a way that it can be used by the disabled. The stage and the backstage were reconstructed and improved.
Edvard Ravnikar (1907-1993) was a student of Jože Plečnik and in his younger years also his collaborator. In 1938 he has for a short time worked in the office of Le Corbusier. After the 2nd World War he became the central persona of the Slovenian modern architecture. He was a long standing professor on the Faculty of Architecture, editor of the “Arhitekt” magazine, the founder of the graphical and industrial design in Slovenia, a writer and a theoretician. With his pedagogical work he brought up generations of Slovenian architects, which still today represent the foundation of Slovenian architecture. His role can be compared to that of Fernando Tavora in Portugal.